Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Firing Tips - How to Let Someone Go Respectfully - Part Two

Firing tips on how to let someone go respectfully begin, as noted in Part One, with an understanding of the process. We consider what it means to dismiss in order to learn how to let someone go respectfully. HR (human resources) personnel as well as employers must consider individual worth, too. If you handle dismissals, or teach others, you need to master those two points. You need to master, also, the following firing tips on how to let someone go respectfully.

Never Assume Anything

Firing tips on how to let someone go respectfully must include this: Never assume anything.

Author Stephen R. Covey tells us in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" that effective people never assume anything. I first heard this from a company president with whom I was acquainted. Phillip (pseudonym) liked the thought, and spoke of it often. However, Phillip himself overlooked the rule one day. He dismissed an employee solely on assumptions. When I suggested that a new manager painted the man with a power-hungry brush, he denied it. Within months, he learned that it was true.

If you teach firing tips on how to let someone go respectfully, burn this tip into students' memories: never assume anything.


A list of firing tips on how to let someone go respectfully needs to include this also.

Have you heard the Native American advice that, before you criticize others, you should walk a mile in their moccasins? That is an important firing tip. Before you dismiss people, spend time in their work environment. Environmental problems may be to blame. Are co-workers ostracizing? Are there factions? Walking in another's moccasins is key among firing tips on how to let someone go respectfully.

Sandwich and a Restaurant

These two firing tips on how to let someone go respectfully may seem strange and unprofessional, but you will soon understand them.

· Sandwich. We do not mean bread with filling. We mean the sandwich approach to dismissal. You have bad news for your employee. A job hunt is in the offing. It is a difficult message, so we use the sandwich approach.

Begin and end with positive statements. Put negative news in the middle. Mention the employee's good qualities. Show appreciation. Thank the employee. Then speak gently about the dismissal. Explain reasons. Give opportunity to correct the record if a mistake was made. Close with additional statements about the employee's finer points.

· Restaurant. Although both of these firing tips on how to let someone go respectfully are important, this one is slightly more important. They say misery loves company, but misery does not love spotlights. When you dismiss an employee, you need privacy. A restaurant gives that privacy. Take an employee out for breakfast and handle dismissal at meal's end.

Hint: Make a practice of taking employees out. Earn a reputation of eating out with individual employees rather than "top brass" and dismissal meals will pass unnoticed.


Firing tips on how to let someone go respectfully include all that is compassionate. Your decision to dismiss an individual should not be a decision to strip him or her of dignity. Apply high moral values and make the process as painless as possible.

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