Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Costumes Are Not Just for Halloween

As the summer comes to an end and school starts up again, conversations take that winding road toward the all too obvious question... What's everyone going to be for Halloween? Costumes are most often related to children and trick or treating but why is that? Are kids the only ones who like to dress up and have fun pretending to be someone else? I think NOT! Everyone who's ever stood in the store or surfed online looking for a costume has had a taste of the excitement dressing up brings. That's because costumes are FUN! Why not throw an awesome Halloween party this year that's packed with great food, music and contests? Your friends will wish you'd done this years earlier! Dressing up in honor of All Hallows Eve is just scratching the surface though.

Costumes aren't just for Halloween anymore. Have the other possibilities even crossed your mind? Personalize your special day, standing out in the crowd of standard white weddings, enjoying the romantic whimsy of a Renaissance themed wedding. As the bride, you'll knock their moccasins off in your enchanted jeweled gown while your walk down the aisle to marry your knight in shining armor. You can liven up any simple affair by making it a themed event and encouraging everyone invited to dress the part and play along. Take a break from your current reality and step back 2000 years! Think of the elegant togas of Grecian gods and goddesses when you're planning your next office party and visualize how much more fun that would be instead another run of the mill cocktail hour.

Now if another persons cooking isn't adventurous enough, host a murder mystery dinner encouraging your guests to dress and act the part. No need to worry about topics of conversation when everyone's busy connecting the dots in search of the killer. You never know if your best friend will turn out to be your worst enemy. Above all, don't forget the shoes! They're the icing on the cake of a GREAT costume. Complete your look with costume shoe options, from many eras and themes, that will not only compliment your costume but can be worn again with your everyday outfits. Give yourself a reason to dress up anytime of the year, instead of waiting for the calendar to tell you when to do it!

More Halloween Costume themes for 2010.

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