Thursday, December 30, 2010

Renewing Your Wardrobe For the Summer

Out with the old and in with the new, there's nothing worse than wearing something that no longer fits you! Renew your wardrobe for the summer, have a good rummage around and get rid of those horrible shirts, skirts and trousers that you haven't worn since you bought them.

For both men and women preparing your summer wardrobe is often a difficult task, especially when you are on a budget. The first step is to take lay out everything in your closet and try it on. If you find certain items that are in need of a button sewing on or a hem taken up then don't delay in getting them repaired. Be ruthless, if you didn't wear it last summer the chances are you wont be wearing it this one. Rather than throwing away the clothes you are not going to wear, donate them to charity, put them up for auction on ebay or organize a clothes swap party.

For men, check how many pairs of shorts you have and if they are smart or if you need to buy some more, make sure you go for plain colors with no prints. During the summer months men tend to go for patterned shirts, try to invest in some that will outlast this summers fashions, linen shirts are light and fresh and always a winner. If you do wear jeans try to make sure that they are not heavy denim and are a loose but smart fit.

For office wear don't compromise on cut and go for lighter materials for suits such as linen. Invest in neckties with lighter colors and patterns and buy shirts that have a button down collar. Summer cufflinks are bright additions to your outfit, the nautical theme is very much in this year. Check your footwear and make sure you have some smart closed footwear for the office such as moccasins or loafers. Make sure that your sandals are presentable and try not to use flip flops. Remember that casual does not mean inappropriate and no matter how breezy you want your outfit to be, you'd still want to be presentable for any meeting while during the office hours.

For women try to make sure you have at least one summer dress, two skirts and some shorts of suitable length. Check your blouses and make sure they are not too transparent. If wearing strappy tops make sure that you wear a bra that fits you properly and gives the necessary support. Make sure that your sandals and summer shoes are presentable and still fit you. Invest in a pair of canvas sandals or moccasins as well as a good quality pair of sandals with a slight heel to show of your pedicure.

During the summer months it can sometimes be difficult to keep looking smart with soaring temperatures. The key having a fresh wardrobe this summer is making sure you have classic quality pieces that are made of the right fabrics and don't compromise on comfort or style.

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