Monday, August 22, 2011

Natural Hair Style -- Blow Out: Big Mess!!!

9 months natural / 18 months post relaxer This is my second attempt at a blow out on my natural hair. Although it was better than my first attempt, it was still a big mess! I have come to the realization that I need a new blow dryer! I need one with a comb attachment! I watch other youtuber videos, and they have hair that flows after their blowouts. They say how soft it is .... Well... my hair did not flow, was not soft, was super dry, sooooo tangled! It was more tangled after I finished than before! It will be another 5/6 months before I attempt this again! lol! Also I noticed ... I need a trim!! So my next task is to find someone who I trust to cut natural hair! I'm also going to do a henna treatment to help as well. I will be recording it as well. This will be my second henna attempt! The first one came out well, so I'm excited about this one! Wish me luck! -- luvbeinnatural

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